Message from the President

Aiming for 100% customer satisfaction. Adding a human touch is the secret to our success.

Our ability to deliver depends mainly on three things: technical expertise, our solid track record, and a common philosophy shared by our employees. Our greatest asset is the human touch that underpins our corporate philosophy. Our employees bring this human touch to each and every environment they work in. This is what enables us at JAST to use our IT expertise to make society a better place.

There are some things that will always be true, no matter what era we are in.

Matsuo Basho, the haiku poet, believed that one should strive to discover that which is true and unchanging, but to also learn from the changes taking place all around. I think companies have to be run with the same philosophy. It’s crucial to recognize those things that never cease being true even as the years pass, and to differentiate them from those that need to be adapted to match the times or surroundings. The latter is something a management team tackles on a daily basis—that is, practice and praxis. The former, meanwhile, is at the core of a company’s philosophy. With market conditions and technologies constantly evolving, a company without a bedrock philosophy focuses only on events just ahead, meaning it could end up like a directionless boat swept along by the currents. To be able to do the latter and adapt, one needs to have a firm grasp of the former, and follow an unwavering set of principles.
So what then is our corporate philosophy? Broadly speaking, we believe that work is a means of helping our employees to grow. It would not be exaggerating to say that this is what our philosophy essentially boils down to. At JAST, we want our employees to become better people through their work. Our ultimate goal is for them to become respected as members of society, as professionals, and as family members, and for them to earn respect on the global stage. To do this, they need to be able to frame in words what needs to be done, no matter how self-evident it may seem, and then put into action on a routine basis. Putting such matters into words is easy; making sure they get done is not. At JAST, this unchanging philosophy is a key part of our management approach and something we take to heart in our everyday work. Where we are now has been made possible by years of conscientious effort since our founding many years ago.

Takeaki Hirabayashi

President and CEO
Japan System Techniques Co., Ltd.